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Two-day course

Therapeutic use of Spophy Flossband

The content of the course entitled „Therapeutic use of Spophy Flossband“ is a presentation of the „tissue flossing“ method, which was developed to affect the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, nervous, and lymphatic systems of the human body.

Course instructor

Mgr Ján Pisarčík

leading physiotherapist of Rehasport OCR Elite Team


  • Doctors

  • Physiotherapists

  • Students

  • Masseurs

  • Sports coaches

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Two-day course

Course content

Theoretical part of the course
Practical part of the course
Combination of Spophy Flossband with other therapeutic methods

Course objective

Po absolvování kurzu „Terapeutické využití Spophy Flossband“ budou účastníci schopni efektivně používat Spophy Flossband k léčbě ortopedických, neurologických a funkčních poruch pohybového aparátu. Budou také schopni přesně určit nejoptimálnější umístění a požadovanou strukturu pro ošetření, určit správný směr a napětí flossingové pásky, správně zvolit vhodnou aplikační techniku a rozhodnout o vhodných indikacích a kontraindikacích použití pásky Spophy. Účastníci kurzu budou moci využít metodu „tissue flossing“ ke snížení vnímání nocicepce v dané oblasti, k léčbě fascií a fasciálních řetězců, k odstranění kloubních blokád, k podpoře krevního oběhu a výživy svalů, k úpravě propriocepce, k ovlivnění psychiku pacienta, odstranit spoušťové body ve svalech a pozitivně ovlivnit svalové řetězení a svalové napětí.
Theoretical part of the course


Theoretical part of the course

In the theoretical part, course participants will learn about the basics of using Spophy Flossband, the basic goals of therapy that the therapist is trying to achieve, the materials, properties and care of Spophy Flossband tapes. A large chapter in the theoretical part is the explanation of the mechanisms of the effect of flossing tapes on the human body. The course participants will learn new information or combine their knowledge of gain control theory, soft tissue rehydration, reactive hyperemia, thixotropic properties of synovial fluid and amorphous intercellular mass, but also review knowledge of joint blockages, fascial chains or muscle tension and regeneration. Part of the theoretical part is also the so-called „Evidence-based medicine“, which contains summarized and clear information from the latest research works, which have dealt with the method of „tissue flossing“ in recent years. The theoretical part consists of the general principles of application of Spophy flossbands, in which participants learn what is the ideal treatment time, what tension to apply Spophy Flossband to individual structures, how to determine the place and direction of tape application and what flossband treatment techniques can be applied.

Practical part of the course


Practical part of the course

In the practical part, the course participants will try out various application techniques, such as „shifting technique“, „compression technique“ or „rebound“ technique. Furthermore, the participants of the course will try out the possibilities of various applications of Spophy flossbands that include, fascial, muscular, joint or lymphatic application etc. The participants will practically try out the differences, for example, in the treatment of different fascial lines, how it is possible to treat trigger points in different muscles, how to work systematically to adjust muscle tension and what possibilities Spophy Flossband offers in joint treatment with limited „joint play“. Participants of the course „Therapeutic use of Spophy Flossband“ will also have a lot of time to test the immediate effects of therapy during two days and the opportunity to compare the state before and after treatment with Spophy flossbands. Part of the practical part is also the practice of application in individual periods after a traumatic injury, thanks to which the therapist is able to shorten the time required for the rehabilitation of the patient or athlete.

Combination of Spophy Flossband with other therapeutic methods


Combination of Spophy Flossband with other therapeutic methods

As part of the course „Therapeutic use of Spophy Flossband“, participants will also learn how Spophy Flossband can be appropriately combined with other treatment methods or rehabilitation aids to achieve an immediate and long-lasting effect of the therapy. The course participants will try a combination of the „tissue flossing“method with the kinesiological taping method, a combination with the use of percussion therapy using a modern Theragun device or the possibility of using the Spophy Flossband in combination with a massage roller or Spophy Cupping Set. However, Spophy Flossband can be combined with almost any method of treatment and their successful inclusion in other therapeutic concepts and methods is one of the main goals of the course.

What is flossband?

Kompression therapeutic bands Spophy Flossband are a great tool for sports physiotherapists. The Flossband helps therapists’ athletes in maximizing their sports performance and overall health. The elastic properties of the Spophy Flossband allow for the compression of the damaged or overloaded areas in the musculoskeletal system. Applying compression leads to faster regeneration of fascial tissues, tendons, muscles and joints.



Flossing is a technique using compression and fascial stimulation. The Spophy Flossband is extremely effective in reducing joint pain. It also significantly improves mobility by increasing local blood flow and circulation. The Spophy Flossband is reusable.

Course instructor

Mgr Ján Pisarčík

leading physiotherapist of Rehasport OCR Elite Team

Bakalářský titul získal na Lékařské fakultě Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Absolvoval magisterské studium na Fakultě tělesné výchovy a sportu Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Během studia se zúčastnil několika odborných kurzů v oblasti fyzioterapie a fitness v ČR, ale i v zahraničí. Absolvoval odborné stáže pod vedením zkušených fyzioterapeutů v SK Slavia Praha a ASC Dukla Praha.
Every patient can heal on his own if they are directed to the right path and provided with the right tools and information. Instead of pain controlling the patient’s life, each patient manages to control the pain in his life.